Dining pet peeves

(I don't know who these people are. I just liked the picture!)

So this week, I saw the capital offense: the licking of a knife!

Every now and then, I cheat a lot on dining etiquette. When no one's looking, I eat pastries with a knife only, cutting and stabbing pieces. Shame on me. I can't help myself sometimes. In company though, I'd never dream of it. But I saw someone lick their knife right in front of me. I was appalled. In med school, someone did this in front of me, and I stopped eating for a moment, my brain reeling from this act of incivility.

The inevitable question is why, WHY is it rude to lick your knife. I guess that the idea behind not licking your knife was that you could cut yourself on it (which is still a legitimate concern). But I imagine that when the fork came to be, its dominance of the dining table had to be complete, and this guiltiest of guilty pleasures had to be sacrificed.


Mary said...
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Jennifer Brozek said...

You realize that isn't a knife in the picture. It's a sword. One that was just used to cut their wedding cake. Just a thought. :) ~Jennifer

churlh said...

I'm just using the picture as an example. And I know it's not a knife, but it was a pleasant illustration of knife licking.

i wanted to find someone licking a knife, then eating some kittens, but no luck.

Mary said...

That's one of my all time favorite wedding pictures from my all time favorite weddings. :)