An actual pasta spoon

Just thought I'd showcase the pasta spoon, for which this blog is named. Can can see here that the pasta was served correctly, in a shallow bowl, but a pasta spoon (entirely unnecessary) was also supplied.

You use the basin of the spoon to twirl the noodles. There is much dispute over whether you can actually pick up the spoon and use it to usher the stray noodles with the fork. I just leave the spoon in the dish and never pick it up.

I'm sure someone will have some opinion on whether this is correct, but it is generally agreed that the pasta spoon is superfluous.

EDIT - 6/23/07 - An ethnic Italian friend of mine from Argentina was recently visiting Italy, and he confirmed for me that indeed, the pasta spoon is Italian, and people do use it, but it is not ubiquitous. Just goes to show.

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